FEDERATION OF INDIAN DIRECT SELLING INDUSTRIES ( FIDSI ) was formed in 2017 with an objective to bring all like-minded Direct selling entities on one united platform to showcase the true and bright image of Indian Direct selling, its virtues, values, its impact & benefits to the Consumer as well as to the National economy and society at large.

It was also formed to represent Indian Direct selling before the Policy makers to enable them to make an informed decision for making proper laws, regulations & rules, in the interest of Consumers as well as the Indian Direct selling, its entities & their Direct sellers.


  1. To bring whole of Indian Direct selling business, its entities, Consumers and Direct sellers on one Platform.
  2. To strive for an ethical, legal, legitimate and regulated Indian Direct selling business.
  3. To take Indian Direct selling business to all corners of the world.


  1. To make Indian Direct selling business consumer friendly and best retail trade.


  1. To act as a bridge between direct selling entities and government (s) in the interest of Indian Direct selling business.
  2. To represent FIDSI members and their Direct sellers before the policy makers and the Government(s).
  3. To encourage Direct Selling entities to comply with Consumer Protection Act, 2019, Consumer Protection (Direct selling) Rules, 2021, E-commerce Rules, 2020 and regulations, rules and notifications framed thereof.
  4. To make consumers and direct sellers aware of the best and ethical practices of a Direct selling trade.
  5. To act as source of Data for government policy makers.
  6. To create a common platform for one and all who are actively involved with direct selling including but not limited to entities, vendors, supplier and many more.