• 1. That they feel privileged in becoming member of FIDSI, a platform which represents whole of Indian Direct Selling.
  • 2. That they shall fully abide by the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021, E-commerce Rules, 2020 and all other Laws, Acts, Rules and notifications issued therein from time to time, in letter and spirit.
  • 3. That as a FIDSI MEMBER they shall always strive for a regulated, ethical and legitimate Indian Direct selling business.
  • 4. That they shall always participate in the meetings, trainings, events, conferences, discussions held by FIDSI, from time to time.
  • 5. That they shall, at all times, keep their website updated with all information as required under the law of the land, to enable a Consumer & Direct seller to take an informed decision.
  • 6. That they shall not indulge in any act, overt or covert, which may harm the business interests of their fellow FIDSI Members.


As a member of FIDSI, you will access a world of opportunities of interacting and fraternizing, on a common platform, with fellow Entities, Corporate Managers of Indian and global Direct selling, Networking and MLM industry, Academicians, policy makers and enthusiasts. FIDSI proactive approach focuses on helping you to increase efficiency and competitiveness. The key benefits are :


  • Platform to interact with other members, institutions, State and Central Governments
  • Networking opportunities with India and global Corporate Majors, Forum to meet global business and political leaders
  • Participate in seminars, training programmers, conferences and meetings
  • Overseas offices to assist in establishing linkages (Future plans)
  • Platform to enhance your business and develop newer markets
  • To act as a bridge between direct selling entity(s) and government to promote ethical Direct Selling
  • To create a platform for all the members of Indian Direct Selling


  • Global trends that affect your business
  • Improve internal efficiency and productivity
  • Get an insight into Government policies and their impact on businesses
  • To act as an expression platform for Direct selling entities, Direct Sellers and consumers.
  • To encourage Entities to implement and execute consumer friendly policy.
  • To educate consumer and direct seller to differentiate between an ethical, genuine and legitimate
    Direct Selling business versus a Ponzi and money circulation scheme.


  • A platform to share your best practices with other members
  • Help enhance competitiveness of Indian Direct selling industry
  • To educate direct selling entities as well as their direct sellers for pursuing best business practices.

Policy work

  • Participate in Committees and Task Forces
  • Get expert advice on Government legislations, regulations, etc.
  • To assist Government in developing consumer centric policy in the peripheral of Indian Direct Selling
  • To act as source of Data center for government policy makers on Direct selling
  • To fight and endeavor for the best interests of Indian Direct selling

Business Support services

  • 1. To create a platform for arbitration between the members and their product suppliers for dispute resolution.
  • 2. To mediate between a Member Entity and its Direct seller(s) (Future Plan)
  • 3. To act as Registrar of Direct sellers (Future Plan)




  • 1. FIDSI has following membership categories, contribution amount of which is given against each:
    • 1. Patron Member Amount - Rs 2,00,000/- plus applicable GST for first year and Rs 1,00,000/- plus applicable GST per annum on subsequent renewal.
    • 2. Associate Member Amount - Rs 1,00,000/- plus applicable GST for first year and Rs 50,000/- plus applicable GST per annum on subsequent renewal
    • 3. Affiliate Member Amount - Rs 10,000/- plus applicable GST
    • 4. Institutional Members - No financial contribution
    • 5. Honorary Member - No financial contribution
  • 2. In addition to above, every new Patron / Associate member, has to contribute Rs 15,000/- as reimbursement of expenses incurred on Due Diligence.
  • 3. FIDSI being a Non-profit Registered society is exempt from Income Tax as provided U/S 10 (23 A) of Income Tax Act, 1961, hence, no TDS Deduction is applicable.

Membership Criteria

  • Any Indian Direct selling entity, which has submitted its "Declaration of compliance of Consumer Protection (Direct Selling) Rules, 2021 and E-commerce Rules, 2020" in the state of its incorporation / registration, can become member of FIDSI.
  • Any compliant Direct selling entity which is willing to spend time and resources for the betterment of Indian Direct selling can become Patron Member of FIDSI
  • Any Academician, Professional, Enthusiast with a zeal to work for the betterment of Indian Direct selling can be invited to become an Honorary Member of FIDSI.
  • National or regional associations / councils / organizations, without any effect on the right and autonomy to decide and pursue its own line of action, can become Affiliated Member of FIDSI . However, such affiliated members shall not have no voting rights.
  • National or regional professional institutes dealing with collection and dissemination of Data. research and development. Technical up gradation processes and exploration of new resources can become Institutional Member of FIDSI. However, such affiliated members shall not have no voting rights.

Affiliate Members

  • Representative offices of foreign companies operating in India as liaison offices under the approval of Reserve Bank of India are eligible. The associate membership would be converted into member category as and when liaison office status changes to a full-fledged company with the commencement of commercial production and/or services generating sales turnover.
  • Manufacturers, vendors, professionals, consultants.
  • National or regional associations / councils / organizations. Affiliation to FIDSI of such bodies would not affect the autonomy or independence of the affiliated body. They would retain the complete right to decide and pursue its own line of action. However, such affiliated members shall not have the right to vote.

Institutional Members

  • The following people/organizations can apply for becoming institutional members :

  • National or regional professional institutes dealing with :
    1. collection and dissemination of information.
    2. research and development.
    3. technical up gradation processes.
    4. exploration of new resources.

However, they shall have

  • no power to occupy a seat in the National / Regional / State Councils.
  • no right to vote.


1. For full time and associate membership
For admission as a member of FIDSI, a company or a firm must submit an application in writing to the Zonal Coordinator / Resident of the respective region in the prescribed form, which must be signed by the applicant. The application shall contain an acceptance of, and an agreement to abide by, the rules and regulations of FIDSI.

2. For affiliate membership :
The organization must submit a :

  • Formal application.
  • Copy of RBI approval for opening liaison office in India.
  • Copy of annual report of parent company.

3. For institutional membership ::
The organization must submit :

  • A formal application.
  • Memorandum and Rules of the Association or institution.
  • List of Governing Council, last annual report and audited accounts.
  • Note on annual membership subscription, if any, of Association or institution. list of members, payment, etc.

Internal Policies

  • Every FIDSI Member entity, its Directors / Partners, employees, Franchisees, stockists and Direct Sellers are bound by the FIDSI Oath.
  • FIDSI is managed by the following bodies;
    • 1. A Committee consisting of its President, General Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager to oversee all activities of the Federation, admission of Members, Accounting, appointment and retre4nchment of employees, organizing Discussions, Conferences, seminars, events, meeting and representing FIDSI members before Government(s) and its affiliated/associated organizations, collection, receiving and spending of FIDSI Funds, Maintaining Bank Accounts, Deposits and transactions within the Budget passed by the Governing Board.
    • 2. A Governing Board comprising of the President, General Secretary, Treasurer, General Manager and Patron Members (Maximum five numbers) to approve and formalize policies of FIDSI, its Annual Budget, Receipt & Expenses statement and Balance sheet.

The FIDSI Oath is not law, but its obligatory and FIDSI expects that its Members shall pursue an ethical, legitimate and law-abiding Direct selling business. Non-observance of this Oath does not create any civil law responsibility or criminal liability. With cessation of its FIDSI membership, an Entity it shall no longer be bound by this Oath. It may be noted clearly that Membership of FIDSI may not be construed, in any form whatsoever, an approval of the legitimacy and legal status of the Member.

FIDSI expects its members to comply with all requirements of local laws as applicable to Direct selling business in the specified local, district, region, zone and state and central, as the case may be.

Local Regulation
Companies and Direct Sellers must comply with all requirements of laws in India. Therefore, this Code does not restate all legal obligations. Compliance by Companies and Direct Sellers with laws of India that pertains to Direct Selling is a condition of acceptance of membership in FIDSI.

Any member may withdraw from FIDSI by giving three months notice, in within, to the President, with the intention to do so provided that the annual subscription for the current year and any other dues have been fully paid up.

Cessation of Membership
Any member may withdraw from the membership of FIDSI by giving a written notice of its intention and the same shall be approved immediately subject to clearance of any dues whatsoever, on account of membership or event contribution (s) or otherwise. Similarly the membership of a Member can be terminated at any time, without prior notice whatsoever, by the Governing Board of FIDSI, if an entity, its Directors / Partners / CEO have been convicted by a competent court of law for violating any law of the land whatsoever or is indulging any act which may harm the name, goodwill and reputation of FIDSI and its members. The Governing Board can also suspend the membership for a specified period if a Member is accused of committing any crime or violation of law of land.